Solebury Students Host Virtual Model UN Conferences in the Age of COVID

模拟联合国活动是热爱讨论和探索当前世界事件的学生的机会, international relations, and diplomacy in the winter trimester. 它将这些学生聚集在一起,在模拟的联合国中扮演来自许多不同国家的代表.

In a typical year, 活动期间充满了训练练习,年轻的代表们努力掌握议会语言和礼仪, become experts on their assigned countries, 然后熟练掌握他们所分配的委员会的关注点和责任. After hours of mastering these skills, 学生根据他们的研究写出初步的解决方案. To demonstrate their skills, 韦德娱乐app下载地址模拟联合国代表参加了为期一天的区域高中赞助活动. 随后,在巴尔的摩市内港的约翰·霍普金斯大学举行的为期四天的全国会议将成为该活动的高潮.

At a typical Model UN conference, the newer delegates are often assigned to the larger General Assemblies, where they serve on committees such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Social, Cultural, and Humanitarian Committee (SOCHUM), and the Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC). 经验更丰富的代表被分配到更小、更具体的委员会,比如联合国安理会,或者古巴导弹危机等历史危机委员会.

But in the age of COVID-19, this was not a typical year. The regional high school conference was postponed until at least March, and the prospect of a four-day Zoom conference was less than ideal. So what were the alternatives?

“甚至在新学年开始之前,我就知道模拟联合国绝不是典型的. As I began to brainstorm with my co-advisor, Tim Pure, about how we could approach this year, 我意外地意识到,我们已经在内部为一些独特的机会奠定了基础. Last year, Casey Epstein-Gross '21 and Tim Carroll '21 had the idea for a small, fun practice committee for the new delegates, 专注于当时索莱伯里校园里最紧迫的事情——“星期五少吃肉”!" Model UN Adviser Don Kaplan shared. "Tim then created a crisis committee focused on the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. 这两个委员会表明,我们可以做的不仅仅是研究和实践, we could actually have fun putting our skills to the test. 因此,考虑到这一点,我开始考虑我们应该考虑举办我们自己的会议."

Under this new plan, delegates spent the first two weeks of the activity in training, where they learned protocol, procedures, language, the do's and don'ts of Model UN, as well as learning how to write position papers, working papers, and resolutions. Then Don and Tim introduced the idea of doing internal conferences.

第一次内部会议给学生们一个星期的时间来编写和制作一份以妇女在媒体中的地位委员会为重点的立场文件. 来自世界各地许多不同国家的代表和两名年轻代表出席了会议, Skiles Roberts-Salvador '22 and Tiyasha Sarkar '24, who had never chaired a committee, successfully took charge.

The second conference, under the auspices of the Disarmament and International Security Committee, addressed international concerns regarding autonomous weapons systems. This was the most serious committee of the trimester, 学生们被要求写完整的立场报告,并从头到尾准备好解决问题. This committee was chaired by Aline Lu '22 and Tim Carroll '21, head delegate of four years, who shared, “我非常感谢在COVID期间加入模拟联合国的所有新代表, the brave new souls who decided to try something new. 我还要感谢唐·卡普兰和蒂姆·普莱特,感谢他们为改编模拟联合国所做的不懈努力,让我们能够继续成长为演讲者, delegates, students, and activists."

将于2月底举行的第三次也是最后一次会议将是一个危机委员会, "When the Succession Is Questioned," based loosely on HBO series Veep它是委员会主席凯西·爱泼斯坦·格罗斯(Casey Epstein-Gross)和利奥·莫克里斯基(Leo Mokriski)的创意. Casey对这次会议感到很兴奋,因为这将是她和Leo第一次完全编写和指导一个委员会, "We are both really excited for it! It's been really cool to participate in all these Solebury-only committees, 我们很少有这样的机会,因为我们的重点通常是参加其他学校的会议,而不是创建自己的会议."

Reflecting on this year's changes Don expressed, “我对学生们的热情和创造力感到惊讶,也非常欣赏他们拒绝放弃这项活动的态度. 最后,我认为我们实际上在这个学期学到了更多的东西,尽管我们从未离开过校园...看到学生们像国际危机和国家危机的创造者一样发挥作用,把所有的精力投入到合作中,寻找他们遇到的问题的解决方案,这真的很鼓舞人心." As we finished our interview, I noted a tear in Don's eyes as he stared off toward the horizon, 当我侧耳细听时,听到他喃喃地说着温斯顿·丘吉尔的经典名言, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts."